Episode #19. The Maritime Patrol Association with US Navy Captain Curt Phillips.

In this Episode of the Hangardeck Podcast, the team interviews US Navy Captain Curt Phillips, President of the Maritime Patrol Association (MPA) and US Navy Captain Rich Heimerle (ret.), National Director of the MPA.  The MPA is a non-profit professional organization for the Maritime and Patrol Reconnaissance Force (MPRA) community. The Maritime Patrol Association (MPA) was founded in 2011 to provide and to enhance the prestige of the U.S. Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance community by promoting the use of the patrol and reconnaissance aircraft in the U.S. Navy.  In pursuing these objectives, the MPA provides a forum whereby past, present and future MPA members can: interact and network with each other through a variety of meetings and events and media; provide recognition to those persons who have made significant contributions to the community. The MPA holds a symposium every year and hosts great events for active duty and retired military MPA members.  This event being held at NAS Jacksonville, Florida.  See last years Symposium news here.

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